Monday, February 13, 2012

Random Musings: An Introduction

Random - proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern; odd or unpredictable in an amusing way.

Musings - absorbed in thought; meditative; contemplation; reflection; pondering.

That pretty well describes my intent here. I'm a ponderer. Sometimes I share because I think I've read, seen, or otherwise found something that may be of value to others. Other times I share in hopes of receiving feedback that may help me. I trust some entries will be amusing to some readers; minimally, I guarantee odd, unpredictable, and with no discernible pattern.

While each entry may have an aim or reason, the collection as a whole does not have a common theme. I have tried single themed blogs in the past - one or more of which I may resuscitate in the future - but have found them overly restrictive. What if I'm inspired to write on a different theme? Where do I put that? Do I create a new blog for each new theme? (I tried that but soon found I had several blogs with one or two entries each and couldn't possibly maintain a regular writing schedule for any of them.)

So, here's to new beginnings, to pondering, and to proceeding at random with no definite aim.

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