Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Random Connections or "The Way My Mind Works"

If there is a reason I call this blog "Random Ruminations," it is because of the way my mind works. When an interesting topic presents itself, I'll often do a quick Google search (sorry Bing) to find out more. As I'm reviewing that topic, another will present itself, and with a quick link, I can find something about that topic. If I'm not careful, this link-and-learn session can last several minutes or even hours. (The hazards of working in a hyper-connected, technology world, I suspect.)

Case in point...The other day I heard it suggested that we needed a new "New Deal." I recalled learning something about the New Deal back in high school, but could not recall which president was responsible for it. (I could recall it occurring as a result of the Great Depression, but that was about it.) A quick search led me to Franklin D. Roosevelt. While reading about Roosevelt, I ran across links to YouTube videos of portions of his inaugural addresses. One of his famous quotes followed his first election: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

Now, this is the way my mind works - rather than contemplate the context of the quote (depression, world war, etc.), a question popped into my mind. What do you call the fear of fear? Phobiaphobia? (I attribute this leap to having just watched an episode of Monk.) So, I looked that up. Turns out I wasn't far off; it's phobophobia - defined as "an abnormal fear of developing a phobia".

Where does my mind go next? I find myself hoping that none of you (my readers) have a fear of randomness, for which I'm afraid I could not find a phobia.

Question: Anyone know a name for the fear of randomness?

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