Wednesday, February 15, 2012


"I would advise you to read with pen in hand, and enter in a little book short hints of what you find that is curious, or might be useful."
-- Benjamin Franklin

For as long as I can remember, I have been an avid reader. I enjoy learning from some and escaping into others. It is a treat to find good quotes for inspiration and wisdom. 

While growing up, I was taught to appreciate - even respect - books. By that I mean I read them, but didn't mark in them, didn't dog-ear the pages, didn't crack their spines. It didn't matter whether it was a mass market paperback or antique - all were treated as museum quality. It was truly a wonder I didn't handle them with white cotton gloves.

Today, I own a few that should be treated in just that manner. But I'm far more interested in those that I can mark up with abandon, turn down page corners, and almost literally rip from the covers the knowledge they have to offer. I've come to appreciate Franklin's quote. I learn much more from a book if I take notes while reading. From the simple margin notes to outlines for essays that come to mind from a single line. Taking notes compels me to stop and ponder (ruminate) on any part that intrigues me. It allow me to interact.

But placing these notes in the book margins makes it challenging to find them again later. I need a way to pull thoughts from various books into a single place ... the commonplace. According to Wikipedia, a commonplace (or a commonplace book) is "a way to compile knowledge, usually by writing information into books." In today's world, a blog seems an appropriate vehicle for such information. World-wide availability and search capabilities, for myself and others, make the Internet an ideal storage place for these kinds of compilations. Wikipedia further suggests that commonplaces are "essentially scrapbooks filled with items of every kind: ...quotes, letters, poems, ...proverbs, [and] prayers." Those are the types of things I'll share here. Whenever possible I'll share the sources so that if you are interested you can find your own copy and start your own commonplace.

Question: What are some of your favorite books and what tidbits of wisdom have you retained from them?

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